A big hello to everyone! I was suppose to write a christmas post during my holidays but I couldn't make time for it. I was sure I would do it on the first week when I'm back to Budapest....it didn't happen I'm sorry :D So now I had to make a "Throw back to Christmas" - post because I really wanted to share with you how did my christmas look like. The weather was quite awful in Finland; it was warm, dark and RAINING instead of snowing! It was so weird and so unusual. Anyway everything else was perfect! I had amazing time with my family and relatives :)
Examen/tanssipostaus on tulossa pian (..ihan oikeasti pian!!), kun nyt en ehdi sitä tekemään. Pitää rientää venyttelemään ja tekemään lihaskuntoa ja sitten nukkumaan :)
Next I'll give you an examen/dance post! But now I have to hurry to do some body conditionin and streching :)