Yeasterday at Almi Hall, dancers from Finland competed about the places to Falun's competition. The judges chose 10 dancers out of 30 to represent Finland.
Pakko sanoa, että jännitti ihan hirmu paljon. Tiesin, että mahdollisuudet päästä jatkoon olivat pienet, joten en halunnut odottaa liikoja. Ajatelin vain, että haluan tehdä parhaani ja jos se menee hyvin saan olla tyytyväinen itseeni.
I have to say I was really nervous. I knew that the chances to get to Falun are small so I wasn't expecting much. I was just thinking that I wanna do my best and if it goes well I can be proud of myself.
They say that if the general rehearsel goes bad, the performance will go well. I found out it's absolutley true :D In the genereal rehearsel it felt like I'm spinning in a dark hole. I couldn't see the audience at all, I didn't see the border between the curtain and the floor and saw big shiny lights from here and there. 15 minutes before the show I tried the pirouettes on stage but I was totally off balanced and I strated to stress even more my own turn. When finally my name was announced and I stepped from the curtains to the stage I suddenly forgot all the stress and the pain in my toes. Even the pirouettes turned really easily and I was able to see a little bit of something else than just black. When I finally landed from the last pirouette to the final pose I was really happy 'cause I knew I did it well!
Tuloksia piti odottaa vähän yli tunti. Olin jo ihan poikki ja halusin kotiin. Tuomarit eivät ilmoittaneet kilpailijoita nimeltä vaan esiintymis numerolla. Itse olin numero 18 ja muistan, kuinka paljon siinä vaiheessa jännitti ja tuomarit sanoivat "17"....Tiesin, että voisin ehkä jopa olla seuravaa......"18"!!!! Mitääääää pääsin Faluniin! En uskonut, että voisin todella päästä! :D
We had to wait the results for over one hour. I was exhausted and I wanted to go home already. The judges didn't tell the results by name but by your competing number. I was 18 and I remember how nervous I was when the I heard "number 17"....I knew that with some luck I could maby be the next one......."18"!!!! Whaaaaat I got in to Falun! I didn't believe I could make it! :D
Mä ja mun ihanat ryhmäläiset (yksi tyttö puuttuu) ketkä pyrki myös Faluniin :)
Me and my lovely class mates (one girl is missing) who auditioned to Falun too :)
Congratulations for everybody who got chosen!! :) And they who didn't make it: keep calm and don't give up! Try again next year! :)